Panelist 2 Ms. AlyseStofer from USA
I have two children aged 9 and 7 years old. Is it difficult to keep Work-Life Balance? For me the daily environment is quite comfortable as the retired parents who live nearby and my husband is a school teacher and he has no outside duty. Then they easily can support me. When we think about the Work-Life Balance, we are better to argue that what kind of job our partner engaged in and the frequency of business trips.
I could do my job satisfactory supported by my partner and others. Talking about the Work-Balance, I do imagine by myself that I could be a Super Woman for my job and raising children taking in good balance. Besides the children’s issue it is quite difficult to find out the enough time to do my hobby and jobs of which are important for me.
Finally I would like to tell you my experience that it is very much important to make clear up that what kind of skills, competencies and strong points we have to work and develop our careers. I think these points are key issues of which many women think.
Panelist 3 Ms. HolliPheil from USA
In the case of USA, the time after a baby is born that the mother has off is short (FMLA sometimes). In my case the Work-Life Balance was very good as my parents, brothers and friends nearby supported me to raise my child, but I found out the difficulties to do so when I moved to the places where no acquaintances later on.
It was lucky in my case, but my friend’s case was not so as the enterprise was small scale. In addition to that some enterprises are asking us to get any support from our parents. Therefore, we cannot ask the enterprises of which we engaged in to support the work-Life Balance fully.
Supporting by your fellow workers is important too. Recently the environment on the Work-Life Balance becomes good condition and I thank my superiors at the working places, but it is not true that the all enterprises understand the raising child by workers. Then, there is a web site called “”.
I have been concerned myself in Work-Life Balance from I was single and I feel that it is in the good working environment in USA now. I think that it is very important to assign the priority to do when you work and raise your child.